The Do’s & Don’ts on How to Make Your Glasses Last

Updated SEP 7, 20231 min read

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1. Use a protective case when you’re not wearing them. This is especially important when travelling. It might be easy to throw your glasses in a side pocket without the case, but avoid the temptation! Using a case will prevent finding your glasses scratched or distorted by the time you arrive at your next stop.

2. Clean glasses daily. This seems obvious, but it’s easy to forget! Just run your glasses under water and use the microfiber cloth that came with your glasses to gently rub away dirt from your lenses. Remember to give some attention to those nose pads, which can build up dirt, oils, and makeup (gross)! Of course, you can also use a spray solution for your glasses.

3. Use both hands when taking glasses off. Try not to use only one hand (even though it looks cooler), since this will stretch out the arms, causing your glasses to slip down endlessly. By using two hands you avoid readjusting the screws, which if stretched too far may be unfixable – yikes!


1. Don’t Wear Glasses On Top Of Your Head. Even though glasses seem to fit perfectly there and act as a temporary headband for flyaways, try to avoid this. It can distort the arms and most likely cause them to fall… not so perfect after all

2. Don’t Clean With Clothing, Paper Towel Or Tissue. When you’ve noticed your lenses are blurry try to avoid using your shirt… even though it’s convenient! Fabrics like clothing, paper towel or tissue are too harsh and can actually scratch your lenses. Use the microfiber cloth that came with your glasses instead.

3. Don’t Leave Your Glasses On The Dashboard. The sun reflecting off the window can damage lens coatings or even melt plastic frames during the heat of the summer. Instead, use an eyeglass visor clip or keep a spare case in your glove box… unless you’re going for the Salvador Dali melted-clock look!

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Published June 16, 2023|Updated September 7, 2023

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Set out to disrupt the traditional eyewear industry, is the largest online eyewear retailer offering a variety of both high-quality designer and house brands with a wide-range of styles and lens types including: single vision lenses, multifocal lenses, Rx sunglasses, sports glasses, kids glasses, contact lenses, digital protection, anti-reflective coatings and more.